Walking Tall, 2023, Oil on canvas, 24 x 18 in (61 x 45.7 cm)

Cover Call Under All, 2024, Oil on canvas, 16 x 14 in (40.6 x 35.6 cm)

Chase, 2023, Oil on canvas, 80 x 53.25 in (203.2 x 135.3 cm)

Boots, 2023, Oil on canvas, 48 x 36 in (121.9 x 91.4 cm)

Mercury Mould, 2023, Oil on canvas, 44 x 80 in (111.8 x 203.2 cm)

Breaking the Barrier, 2023, Oil on canvas, 36 x 48 in (91.4 x 121.9 cm)

Future's Grasp, 2023, Oil on canvas, 24 x 18 in (61 x 45.7 cm)

Magnolia, 2023, Oil on canvas, 12 x 9 in (30.5 x 22.9 cm)

Michael Thompson
b. London, CA
Lives and works in Toronto, CA

2022    Master of Fine Arts, University of Guelph, Guelph, CA
2019    Bachelor of Fine Art: Honours, Studio Art, Western University, London, CA

Solo & Two-Person Exhibitions
2024    Dumb Slate (w. Cristine Brache), Pangée, Montréal, CA
2023    Chorus Coda, Franz Kaka, Toronto, CA
2022    Idle Hour Weaver, Lalani-Jennings, Guelph, CA

Group Exhibitions
2024    GTA24, Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto, CA
2024    A Cherished Haunting, New Collectors, New York, US
2023    Formless, Galerie Nicolas Robert, Toronto, CA
2022    Green Belt, Jargon Projects, Chicago, USA
2021    Plumbraiser 2.0, the plumb, Toronto, CA
2021    A Seven or a Jack, Boarding House Gallery, Guelph, CA
2021    grass taps, the plumb, Toronto, CA
2020    no show, Boarding House Gallery, Guelph, CA
2020    ECHORINGER, Excavo, London, CA
2020    Inaugural Show, Surplus Organs (online)
2020    GIFC NYC, The Hole, New York City, USA
2019    Very Careful, Remote Gallery, Toronto, CA
2019    Work in Progress, Camden Arts Centre, London, UK
2019    Honesty Hour, ArtLab, London, CA
2019    Comox, Satellite Gallery, London, CA
2018    But, I’ll Just Break Your Arm, Good Sport, London, CA

2019    The Slade School of Fine Art in partnership with Camden Arts Centre

2024    Glenn Sumi, ‘Dreams from the Ford plant, an aunt’s treasured rug and ‘soup joumou’: These artists make us feel what they felt growing up in the Toronto area’, Toronto Star

2020    University Graduate Scholarship, University of Guelph
2020    Tony Sherman Award, University of Guelph
2019    BMO 1st Art, nominee
2018    Practicum Award, Western University
2018    Mackie Cryderman Award for Excellence in the Visual Arts, Western University
2018    Regional Scholarship Award, Caradoc Townsend Mutual
2015    Faculty of Arts and Humanities Entrance Scholarship of Excellence, Western University
2015    Western Scholarship of Distinction, Western University
2015    Ron Culbert Memorial Art Award

Morgan Stanley Art Collection
Global Affairs Canada
Scotiabank Corporate Art Collection
TD Bank Art Collection